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Our Church

Photo of St Josephs church

The parish church of St Joseph’s is within 5 minutes walk of the school.

The parish is an important part of the life of the school and the two come together in many ways. The church holds its annual Christmas Bazaar in the school, and many parishioners attend special masses in the school. 

Each week a class will visit the church for mass on a Wednesday morning. Catholic children who are receiving First Holy Communion or their Confirmation will receive instruction in school and mass will be held in the church.

For more information on St Joseph's Church, Carterton, please visit their website

Supporting the Church

Please help to support our Church by making a donation, large or small, by clicking here to donate to the church. Please print and complete the form and send it, with donation information to:

Fr. Paul Whieldon
St Joseph's Church
Arkell Avenue
Oxfordshire, OX18 3JY

Tel: 01993 842463