SEND & Additional Needs
At St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, we strive to meet the needs of all of the pupils in our school. Our staff are aware of the varied SEND needs of all of our pupils and they receive regular, high quality training to support the children and develop their own personal knowledge and understanding. We work closely with expert outside agencies to complement the teaching and learning of our pupils as well as act upon the expert advice given.
Our approach is to provide targeted, timely support for students to help them to make the best possible progress and can include one or more of the following: adult support in lessons, structured and bespoke interventions within and outside of the classroom, access to a highly differentiated curriculum packages.
We are also supported by a number of external agencies that include the Educational Psychology Service, Local Authority SEND specialists, the Hearing Impaired service, Occupational Therapists and the Autism Outreach Team.
Our parents are aware of the SEND process and meet with teachers at regular points throughout the year to evaluate the SMART targets and goals set by teachers/outside experts.
Click here for the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
Fiona Wickens/SENDCO support
SEND Contact us email - click here
Useful links and documents