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Religious Education

St Joseph's follows the curriculum strategy – Learning and Growing as the People of God - provided by the Archdiocese of Birmingham for teaching RE in a Catholic primary school.

Our Values:

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School promotes high achievement and life-long learning by working with children to:

To ensure that each child meets their God given potential by deepening their personal faith through their knowledge and understanding of Sacraments and Christian Values and to be nurtured academically, spiritually, socially and emotionally.

To encourage each member of the school community to live their life in accordance with gospel values and to make a positive contribution to British society.

To inspire our pupils to aim high, reach for the stars, recognise their God given gifts and talents so that they make the most of every opportunity that is given to them.

To ensure that each child feels happy, safe, valued and loved.

To make prayer, worship and liturgy relevant and meaningful for each individual and to provide a learning environment that will enhance the development of faith of everyone in the school community.

To provide an exciting, fun and enjoyable educational experience for each child and promote a life-long love of learning.

Please click on an image below to read prayers written by our Year 5/6 class.

Photo of student work

Photo of student work

Photo of student work

Photo of student work


Listening to God's voice

It is not easy to hear the voice of God, but not to worry! The Holy Spirit helps us to listen to God's voice. The Holy Spirit transforms us completely to be a new person. We see that this is exactly what happened when the disciples received the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost. They were afraid and in hiding. However, they were praying about what to do. Then, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in them and, as a result, the apostles were completely transformed, filled with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and went out to proclaim boldly the good news; they were able to respond with a 'yes' to God's call. As they received the Holy Spirit, they were able to fulfil the great mission they had been called to. Therefore, the Holy Spirit plays a prominent role in guiding and directing us as we discern our vocation in life.

Taken from:

what is vocation flowchart

Mental Health Access Pack: Helping the Church Support those With Mental Health Issues
This is a free online resource which provides a range of information and resources pertaining to Mental Health. It is organised under four key headings: Common Conditions, Caring for People, Practical Tips and What the Bible Says. It has been endorsed by a number of prominent Christians including Archbishop Bernard and The Baroness Hollins. This is what Archbishop Bernard has said about this resource “I welcome the Mental Health Access Pack, produced by Livability and Mind and Soul, as an important new resource to help Christians of all denominations to combat the stigma attached to mental illness and, through better information on a range of conditions, to support those affected. The teleological reflections give crucial insights for those struggling with mental health problems to understand how their Christian faith can help in their recovery.”

For further information, resources , videos and downloads, please click the following link